viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

What you know when you know a language

What you know when you know a language:

When we learn a language we are not conscious about what we know, and example for this is the case of walking, we know how to do it but the reasons or what has our brain to do and can move our feet, we are not conscious about that. We just learn how to walk.  The same happens when we know a language, we have the linguistic competence; which is the hidden knowledge, what we have in our minds and it cannot be observed.  On the contrary we have linguistic performance; is the way that they produce and comprehend language, is the speech.  And in this part we have the speech communication chain, which explain how we produce language, the steps that we have in our linguistic competence to produce something.  Those are: phonetics; which is the articulation, the acoustics and the speech sound that we have to use to say something.  Phonology; is the pronunciation and the possible combination we have to say something.  Morphology; is the word formation.  Syntax; is putting words together in a certain order following rules, the combination we have.  Semantics; is the selection of words and the interpretation meaning that we want to share.  Pragmatics; the context, the knowledge og how to use the language.     

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