viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Teaching Philsophy

I can say, as a future teacher of English, I have chosen this occupation or profession, because I want to teach, first of all, English, because nowadays it is quite important to communicate with other people, and also I want to lead people's or students’ mind, because, it is the teacher's responsibility to help in the process of growth, to make right decisions, and how to face to the real world. I want to share good values, and good advices, and also I want to learn about every student, because we are going to learn in our whole life about everything.
I want to teach as much as I can, I want to share all that I know, related to the subject, English, how important it is, and how to use it. but most of all, I want to try to make good people, and make them feel unique and important for this world.

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